
  • Wênio da Silva Castro Universidade Federal do Norte do Tocantins (UFNT), Colégio Estadual Adolfo Bezerra de Menezes
  • Érica Cupertino Gomes Universidade Federal do Norte do Tocantins (UFNT) – Licenciatura em Física
  • Pâmella Gonçalves Barreto Troncão Universidade Federal do Norte do Tocantins (UFNT) – Licenciatura em Física



Electromagnetism. Physics teaching. HQ.


This work comes from the National Professional Master's Degree in Physics Teaching (MNPEF), at the Federal University of Northern Tocantins. It is a didactic resource that aims to use some experimental demonstrations and a comic book (HQ) as tools to facilitate the teaching and learning process. The topics addressed in the material are the experiments of Oersted, Ampère and Faraday. The comic was specially developed with an educational purpose and focused on the history and development of Electromagnetism. The material was planned for Physics classes in High School (EM) and Elementary School (EF) with the aim of teaching Physics from the perspective of a play-based teaching, for different age groups, linking experimental and scientific research to evolution in the sciences accurately and in their disclosure. The results obtained by this research were based on three moments, the first being the investigation of the students' prior knowledge, the second carried out after reading the comic with the demonstrations of experiences and the third with conversation circles and/or suggestions about its use. The analysis of the implementation of this work allowed observing that there was an understanding of Electromagnetism topics and that there was a development of the students' sense of research through the experiences.


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How to Cite

DA SILVA CASTRO, Wênio; CUPERTINO GOMES, Érica; BARRETO TRONCÃO, Pâmella Gonçalves. USE OF COMIC STORY (HQ) IN THE TEACHING-LEARNING PROCESS ABOUT ELECTROMAGNETISM. Journal of the Physics Teacher, [S. l.], v. 6, n. Especial, p. 322–329, 2022. DOI: 10.26512/rpf.v1i1.45968. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 aug. 2024.



Anals of the Integrated Meeting in Physics Teaching