Intergenarational Transmission of Social Skills between Parentes and Adolecenst Children


  • Camila Negreiros Comodo Universidade Federal de São Carlos
  • Almir Del Prette Universidade Federal de São Carlos
  • Zilda Aparecida Pereira Del Prette Universidade Federal de São Carlos


Social skills, Intergenerational transmission, Intergenerational relations, Adolescence


Research on parents and children have pointed out results on intergenerational transmission of behaviors. Considering that social skills are considered as a protective factor against deficits and disorders in adolescence, the present study aimed to identify the possible transmission of social skills between parents and their adolescent children. IHS-Del-Prette and
IHSA-Del-Prette inventories were administered to a sample of 142 adolescents and their parents, after which statistical analysis were carried out. Results suggested the transmission of assertiveness, empathy, affective approach and social resourcefulness, depending on the gender of parents and children and on the age of the adolescents. The importance of the social skills repertoire in parents was discussed, as well as the implications of the findings.


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How to Cite

Comodo, C. N., Del Prette, A., & Del Prette, Z. A. P. (2017). Intergenarational Transmission of Social Skills between Parentes and Adolecenst Children. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 33(1). Retrieved from



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