The Impact of Social Skills on Depression of University Students


  • Alessandra Turini Bolsoni-Silva
  • Sonia Regina Loureiro


Social skills, University students, Mental health, Depression, Prevention


Depression is prevalent in university students, and there is a gap in relation to studies about social skills associated to depression. The objective of this study was to compare the social skills and the perceptions of consequences in interactions of students with depression (n=64), compared to a non-clinical group (n=64), and verify the predictive value of social skills. Social skills and mental health were measured by validated instruments. Significant differences in communication, affection, expressing negative feelings, dealing with criticism and public speaking were found. The group with depression reported more negative consequences and feelings in social interactions. Regression analysis identified that a deficient repertoire of social skills was predictor of depression, what suggests the relevance of prevention and intervention programs for this population.


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How to Cite

Bolsoni-Silva, A. T., & Loureiro, S. R. (2017). The Impact of Social Skills on Depression of University Students. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 32(4). Retrieved from



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