Home Resources and School Learning Difficulties


  • Edna Maria Marturano


School achievement, Child, Home resources, Parental involvement


Home resources which promote school achievement include educational materiais and parent involvement
with children's schooling. A study was performed with the aim of investigating these resources in a clinicai sample of 100
children, who were referred for school learning problems. The data were collected with the mother, by means of a interview
designed for the assessment of home resources and adversities. The child was asked to write a text from a drawing. Statistical
analysis included regression analysis, correlation and comparisons between groups formed by age, school backwardness, and
writing performance. Results indicated that writing levei is positively related with the provision of books and toys, while
school backwardness is negatively related with regularity in the use of time and with diversity of activities shared with parents.
Adverse life circumstances have a positive association with backwardness. These results are discussed with respect to their
contribution to educational programs for the families.


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How to Cite

Marturano, E. M. (2012). Home Resources and School Learning Difficulties. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 15(2). Retrieved from https://periodicos.unb.br/index.php/revistaptp/article/view/17389

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