Locus of control, Organizational behavior, Research strategiesAbstract
This work discusses some questions conceming scientific
production in Psychology, taking as its focus of analysis studies that relate
the variable locus of control (Rotter, 1966) with various products and
characteristics of the organizational context. A sample of 23 research
reports was analysed with the objective of identifying the basic
methodological decisions and problems wich characterize the studies in the area. These characteristics were compared with the methodological
imperatives that undergird the Experimental Analysis os Behavior
(Sidman, 1974; Johnston & Pennypacker, 1980). This comparison made it
possible to identify the epistemological propositions that distinguish
investigatory traditions in Psychology. The article discusses the
possibility of minimizing the problems that envelope current research on
the locus of control and offers some recommendations pertainíng to the
methodology and posture of investigator working with Experimental
Analysis of Behavior.
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