Levantamento fitossociológico de plantas espontâneas em corredores agroecológicos
Pennisetum setosum, Agricultura Orgânica, Análise FitossociológicaAbstract
The study was carried out in two properties located in the municipalities of Paracatu (MG) and Silvânia (GO), managed under an organic system that are part of the project “Agroecological corridors as strategies for the production of food and seeds, focused on the management of agrobiodiversity and sustainability of small family properties” between the years of 2016 to 2018. Its objective was to carry out a phytosociological survey of the composition of spontaneous vegetation in agroecological corridors, obtaining data on frequency, density, abundance and index of relative importance of the species occurring in that formation, in addition to conducting a study of the similarities and differences of spontaneous communities between the evaluated areas, through similarity coefficient. In total, 29 species were identified, 10 of which were present in both regions. Asteraceae and Poaceae were the two main families, among the 16 found. The similarity coefficient between the two regions was 57% for the years of 2017 and 2018, showing an average similarity in the flora in the two years studied. The most important specie in both properties is Pennisetum setosum.
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