¿Agroecología o agricultura orgánica?
Agricultura sustentable, Certificación pública, Matriz científico-tecnológicaAbstract
This paper carries out a study on the definition and meaning of the terms agroecology and organic agriculture within the national context of Argentine. If the ambiguity and vagueness of natural language is useful for everyday use, however, it is a problem for the sciences when they seek to clarify their concepts. Thus, the text makes a philosophical and conceptual analysis on the selected terms based on classical scientific references and on the Argentina legal regulation. On the one hand, agroecology is a discipline that supports a model of sustainable and resilient agriculture. In the other hand, organic agriculture is an ambiguous term that needs to be understood from the specific national regulations, which have a historical emergence and a specific purpose. From these ideas, it is possible to differentiate between a scientific-technological matrix and a production system and his public certification.
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