Calibration of the conditions for deployment willows crops in Southern Highlands of Santa Catarina


  • Tassio Dresch Rech EPAGRI - SC
  • João Cláudio Zanatta EPAGRI
  • Flávio Zanette Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, PR, Brasil
  • Dieter Brandes
  • Névio João Nuernberg


Salix x rubens, cropping system, evaluation method


The willow crop helps to maintain more than 1,400 family unities farms in the Southern Plateau of Santa Catarina, Brazil. The specie traditionally used isSalixxrubens, which has good acceptance among producers. These, however, complain of declining fields and the high rate of branching of wicker produced. This study evaluated the implantation conditions and productivity of willows fields of this region. The method adapted from Summer & Farina (1986) applied to collected data allowed the establishment of areas of weakness, balance and excess to the main deployment characteristics of crops. The density of the planting of willow and reducing the size of the cuttings planting, what is happening in the region are reducing the longevity of crops.


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