Phosphorus, nitrogen, lignin, cellulose and poliphenols in samples of leaf litter in Neea macrophylla, Cecropia palmata and Casearia arborea in north-eastern of Pará.


  • Patricia Chaves de Oliveira Universidade Federal do Para (UFPA), Santarém/PA - Brasil
  • Cláudio José Reis de Carvalho EMBRAPA-CPATU,Belém/PA - Brasil


litter, decomposition dynamic, phosphorus


The interest of knowing the decomposition dynamic of leaf litter of potentially accumulative species of P as Neea macrophylla and Cecropia palmata to the long one of the time, is basic in the selection of mulch for the“slash and mulch”technology adopted in some agricultural systems the Northeast of Pará. With intention to characterize quantitatively and in the time, the Increment Taxes of P and N to the long one of the initial decomposition process of leaf litter correlating with the initial concentrations of lignina, cellulose and polyphenols, this experiment then was developed placing 80 litter bags on the ground of secondary forest in the Igarapé-Açú City, Pará. The results had indicated one high correlation (r=-0,82) between the concentration of initial polyphenols in litter and the loss of biomass throughout 210 days; the release of P during the decomposition process was determined in part for the initial concentrations of lignina (r=-0,54) but over all of cellulose (r=-0,73) and the concentrations of N-NH4 in leaf litter to the end of the period of comment had shown dependence of the initial concentration of lignina. Neea macrophylla was the species that more quickly lost biomass for the soil showing to be an important specie in the process of phosphorus cycling in environments with deficiency.


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