Estado argentino y cumbia villera
cumbia villera. sociology of language. representation. attitude. linguisticpolicy. linguistic planning.Abstract
This study aims to analyze Pautas de evaluación para los contenidos de la cumbia villera (COMFER, 2001) from the perspective of the Sociology of Language (Calvet, 1997; Cooper, 1997) to identify the attitude (Baker, 1992) and the sociolinguistic representations (Boyer, 1991) of the state with respect to this genre. Based on the assumption that the tools of analysis, which allow the intervention of state policy and language planning reveal the power relationships that are played within a particular society at a given moment (Calvet , 1997), it will be shown that the Pautas are intended to intervene the language in order to regulate its use and its form and defend what they recognize as ‘legitimate language’.
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