Reflexões sobre as noções de leitor, autor e polifonia no hipertexto


hypertext. author. reader. polyphony. plurivocality.


The discourse analysts can give a relevant contribution to the reflection of questions raised by thinkers in other areas regarding the hypertext. In this article, from the discussion of these authors I discuss the notions of polyphony, reader, and author in the hypertext. I initially present a theoretical framework in which I situate the standpoint from which the hypertext will be analysed. Following from that, studies and discussions surrounding hypertext, reader, and author are raised in order to discuss these positions.


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How to Cite

Reflexões sobre as noções de leitor, autor e polifonia no hipertexto. (2020). Revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Del Discurso, 8(1), 9–18. Retrieved from



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