Polemical speech and interaction on Twitter and on readers’ comments
Malvinas case during last CFK’s tenure
public discourse. social networks. discursive strategies. discourse analysis.Abstract
Tis paper studies media and public speeches produced and diffused in social media during Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner’s last year of government. Taking as a starting point news published by La Nación online about the President’s participation in America’s Summit 2015, we compare the readers’ comments and tweets originated as a reaction to this headline. From the perspective of Discourse Analysis, we analyze the discursive strategies through which Internet users build certain positions about government’s political actions towards the Malvinas conflict. We identify different strategies which we group according to Amossy’s classification in three main items: polarization, dichotomization and disqualification. Each one varies from one platform to another. Tus, we try to make some considerations on polemical speech, while contributing to online media research.
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