Qualidade e percepção do ambiente construído na saúde mental de médicos residentes


  • Ellen Priscila Nunes de Souza Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo/UNICAMP




Quality of the built environment, Health psychology, Resident doctor, Imaging sector


This research will discuss the relationship between the quality of the built environment, with only artificial systems (lighting and heat control), and resident doctors’ mental health in a Radiology department, which has specific building design requirements. To establish this correlation the Radiology Departments´ environment was evaluated (measuring variables of the built environment), environmental perception (with the application of a specific questionnaire) and psychological evaluation identifying the existence of and the level of mental illness such as stress, anxiety and depression. It was concluded that among the three resident doctors’ groups, the students from the first group suffered expected psychological effects associated with the built environment; the ones from the second group demonstrated psychological effects typical of resident doctors’ but have adapted to the built environment; and the students from the third group demonstrated values within the expected range for the activities performed. We also identified low illuminance and temperature, necessary to the activities. Thus, this research also added to the state-of-art and database, new information about the environment’s influence on users’ perception, fomenting to a development of recommendations aiming the hospital environment quality.


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How to Cite

Souza, E. P. N. de. (2018). Qualidade e percepção do ambiente construído na saúde mental de médicos residentes. Paranoá, 10(19). https://doi.org/10.18830/issn.1679-0944.n19.2017.05



Technology, Environment and Sustainability

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