Françoise Choay (1925)


  • Thierry Paquot Universidade Paris 12, Val de Marne, Institut d’Urbanisme de Paris
  • Elane Ribeiro Peixoto Universidade de Brasília; Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo; Programa de Pós-graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo



Fraçoise Choay, Biography


The following article is Françoise Choay’ s biography written by Thierry Paquot. It was originally published in German in Frauen blicken auf die Stadt: architektinnen, planerinnen - Theoretikerinnen des Städtebaus II in 2019, in a book organized by Katia Frey and Eliana Perrotti. Françoise Choay's professional trajectory, covered here, comprises her training, publications, direction of collections and her role in introducing foreign authors to France.



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Author Biographies

Thierry Paquot, Universidade Paris 12, Val de Marne, Institut d’Urbanisme de Paris

Philosopher, urban planner and retired professor at the Institut d'Urbanisme de Paris, he has been editor of the journal Urbanisme since 1994. He has published numerous books on planetary urbanisation, utopias, geo-history and ecological thinking. His books include: Désastres urbains. Les villes meurent aussi [Urban disasters: cities also die] (2015, 2019); Mesure et démesure des villes [Measure and measure of cities] (2020); Demeure terrestre, enquête vagabonde sur l'habiter [Earthly dwelling, research on dwelling] (2020); L'Amérique verte. Portraits d'amoureux de la nature [Green America. Loving portraits of nature] (2020); Les Bidonvilles [The slums] (2022); Rachel Carson. Pour la beauté du monde [Rachel Carson. For the beauty of the world] (2023).

Elane Ribeiro Peixoto, Universidade de Brasília; Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo; Programa de Pós-graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo

Professor at the University of Brasilia, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism. Her research covers themes in the area of Theory, History and Criticism, including the translation of texts of interest to this area. Assuming translation as a dialogue between cultures, she was responsible for the translation from French to Portuguese of Henri-Pierre Jeudy's Courir la ville, (2002) and Aloïs Riegl's Le culte moderne des monuments son essence et sa genèse (1903), published in French in 2013. She is currently translating the entries signed by Françoise Choay and published in the Dictionnaire d'urbanisme et de l'aménagement (2015), a work that the historian of ideas directed in partnership with Pierre Merlin. This translation is one of the results of Elane Peixoto's postdoctoral work carried out at the Postgraduate Programme in Urbanism of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (PROURB), under the supervision of Margareth da Silva Pereira, with support from CNPq.


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How to Cite

Paquot, T., & Ribeiro Peixoto, E. (2023). Françoise Choay (1925). Paranoá, 16(35), 1–10.



Françoise Choay's intellectual itineraries