Analysis of thermal comfort in a standard project at Proinfância, in the city of Buritama / SP.


  • Giovanna de Souza Secato University of Brasília, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Graduate Program in Architecture and Urbanism, Brasília, Federal District, Brazil
  • Gustavo de Luna Sales University of Brasília, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Graduate Program in Architecture and Urbanism, Brasília, Federal District, Brazil



thermal comfort, computer simulation, standard school project, bioclimatic architecture


The practice of standardized school projects is common in Brazil due to lower costs and speed of construction, however, it may not be beneficial to the user's thermal comfort in the built environment, as it does not consider physical and climatic aspects of each location. The present study aims to analyze the thermal comfort in a standard project of a kindergarten of the Proinfância Program in the city of Buritama/SP, bioclimatic zone 6 and to identify possible intervention for improvement in the percentage of hours in thermal comfort of the building. Therefore, the computational simulation method was used, through Sketchup, OpenStudio and EnergyPlus software for the scenarios of four possible implantation orientations, including the real implantation of the building. Through simulations, it was observed that the best results for the percentage of hours in thermal comfort were not presented by the orientation of the real implementation of the building, Northwest/Southeast, but by the West/East orientation. In order to improve the percentage of hours in comfort of the actual orientation, which presented considerable discomfort for the cold, it was proposed to reduce the shading eaves, since, in the solar chart studies, it was possible to perceive excessive shading in the analyzed rooms. The results obtained show that the intervention improved the percentages of thermal comfort for the cold months and maintained a satisfactory percentage for the entire year.


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Author Biographies

Giovanna de Souza Secato, University of Brasília, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Graduate Program in Architecture and Urbanism, Brasília, Federal District, Brazil

Arquiteta e Urbanista formada no ano de 2019 pela Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso. Especialização em Reabilitação Ambiental Sustentável Arquitetônica Urbanística pela Universidade
de Brasília, concluída em 2021. Possui experiência profissional em desenvolvimento de projetos arquitetônicos, sobretudo na área de arquitetura hospitalar.

Gustavo de Luna Sales, University of Brasília, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Graduate Program in Architecture and Urbanism, Brasília, Federal District, Brazil

Architect graduated from the Federal University of Pará. Specialization in Sustainable Environmental Rehabilitation by the University of Brasília. Master in Landscape, Environmental and Sustainability (PPG/FAU/UnB) with a focus on passive thermal comfort and natural ventilation. PhD in natural ventilation, air quality and thermal comfort in architectural design by PPG/FAU/UnB. Adjunct Professor II at FAU/UnB, linked to the Department of Technology, where he teaches courses on Environmental Comfort and Architectural Design. Professor of the REABILITA postgraduate course (UnB/USP/UFRGS). He develops research at the Laboratory of Sustainability Applied to Architecture and Urbanism and at the research group on Computer Simulation of the Built Environment. Its research focuses are: natural ventilation for passive thermal comfort and air quality in the built space; application of computational fluid dynamics in architecture and urbanism. Reviewer of Revista PARANOÁ and collaborating professor of the project of continued action Technical Assistance for Housing of Social Interest.


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How to Cite

de Souza Secato, G., & de Luna Sales, G. (2023). Analysis of thermal comfort in a standard project at Proinfância, in the city of Buritama / SP. Paranoá, 16(36), 1–24.



Environmental Rehabilitation in Sustainable Architecture and Urbanism

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