Among musical actors, (re)productions and urban disputes




Sound, Soundscape, Music, Territoriality, Cultural identity


Urban disputes originating from musical practices result from the divergence between multiple territorialities of the actors that occupy the public space. How these territorial conflicts caused by music occur is directly related to the way in which the sonic activity and sound material are spatialized, in addition to their relationship with the actors who (re)produce the practice, the musical actors. This work is dedicated to investigating the particularities of the musical actor, first conceptualizing and categorizing him, then weaving intertwines between him, his cultural identity and his historical insertion. Secondly, three possible forms of sound (re)production of this actor are described: acoustic, electroacoustic and schizophonic, together with their respective impacts on the musical experience in urban spaces. Finally, based on a bibliographical study of the sonic-musical disputes in Pedra do Sal, in Rio de Janeiro, three other factors are proposed related to the musical practice of the actors: the public-private dynamics of the sound path, the objective of sound (re)production and the chain of musical actors. At this point, it is demonstrated how the proposed factors enrich the analysis of urban soundscapes in which music is the protagonist, and enable new ways to understand disputes caused by sonic-musical territorialities.


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Author Biography

Lucas Yudi Moriya Sampaio, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo; Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura

PhD candidate in Architecture at PROARQ-UFRJ, where he researches the relationships between music, soundscapes, public spaces, and urban planning. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from EESC-USP, and a Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering from the same institution with a focus on Dynamics and Mechatronics. He has been conducting research in the field of acoustics since his undergraduate studies, where he worked on sealed acoustic box projects. During his Master's degree, he investigated acoustic metamaterials for the treatment and acoustic isolation of environments. Additionally, he is a guitarist, singer, composer, and sound designer.


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How to Cite

Moriya Sampaio, L. Y. (2024). Among musical actors, (re)productions and urban disputes. Paranoá, 17, e42411.



Theory, History and Critique

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