Propuesta de dosier
In meeting held on May 12, 2023, the journal's editorial committee determined the end of the "Dossier" modality in its current form and the rejection of new submissions of dossier proposals. The current page will remain available until the end of the current year as guidance to authors and organizers of currently approved dossiers.
The dossier proposal is made directly to the editor-in-chief with submission of the proposal, abstracts and authors, covering the following points:
- The initial dossier proposal must contain the title, menu, authors and abstracts of the proposed texts.
- The dossier consists of the presentation of 8 to 20 articles or essays, at least two of which must be from non-Brazilian authors.
- After approval, all manuscripts in the dossier must be translated into English (preferably) or Spanish, according to the journal's copyediting and translation policy, aiming it's bilingual or trilingual publication, except for those originally submitted in a foreign language (Spanish or English) and the translations of manuscripts already published in a translated version in both languages (Spanish and Portuguese).
- The dossier proposal must guarantee institutional, regional and international diversity and follow the text formatting guidelines set out in the Guidelines for authors. Reviews and interviews do not enter the final accounting of articles and essays in the dossiers.
We will reject articles that:
- Are a simple bibliographic review (only for dossiers, the journal continues to publish review articles in continuous flow);
- Revisions already consecrated and recognized by the field, clipping of dissertation, thesis, project or research report without the necessary adaptation;
- Are excessively descriptive and not very analytical;
- Do not make a significant contribution to the area of ”‹”‹education;
- Are outside the format of scientific articles published in Education journals;
- Do not follow the technical guidelines of Revista Linhas Críticas (format, citations and references).
Guidance for authors of dossier manuscripts:
- Manuscripts belonging to dossiers will be submitted to the same evaluation process as the rolling pass manuscripts.
- Proceed the bibliographic updating of the texts, replacing older editions with newer ones when applicable, and, in any case, try to update the articles cited and mentioned with the most recent production in your field and published in the last five years;
- Review and correct abstracts and keywords in Portuguese, Spanish and English, at least one of the jeywords must be extracted from keyword thesaurus;
- At least one of the authors of each article needs to be noticed by the Google Scholar H index, preferably with roots above 6;
- All texts must be identified with the title of the dossier when submitting the manuscript.