Is Ethics Education a form of violence against the student?


  • Bruno Pucci Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba - UNIMEP



Ethics Education, Education in Kant, Education in Durkheim, Education in Adorno, Tension between the individual and society


Chauí, in her book Convite à Filosofia (2006, p. 310) asks a compelling ethical question to educators: would ethics education be a form of violence against human beings? First, because it seeks to transform us from passive beings into active beings; if our nature is passionate, driven by our instincts, wouldn’t forcing rationality upon us be an act of violence against spontaneous nature? If ethics education aims to connect us with the values of society, wouldn’t it be a submission to an external power, and in this case, instead of autonomous individuals, wouldn’t we be the slaves of norms and values imposed by society? Based on the contributions of Kant, Durkheim and Adorno, this paper aims at analyzing the questions asked by Chauí, and making contributions to the ethics education of our students and educators.


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How to Cite

Pucci, B. (2012). Is Ethics Education a form of violence against the student?. Linhas Críticas, 18(36), 283–297.




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