Discursive resonances built upon the English textbook in Pará state in times of crisis


  • Makoy Santos da Silva Secretaria de Educação do Pará
  • Ana Emília Fajardo Turbin UNIVERSIDADE DE BRASÍLIA - UNB




English textbooks, Discursive Resonance, Viral pandemic


We aim to investigate, through the speech of two English teachers (identified by the initials of their
names) from public school in Pará state, how the English textbook has been used as a teaching and
learning tool during the new coronavirus pandemic. We approach our studies on Choppin (2004) e
Oliveira et al. (1984). We understand that the textbook is meaningful and equally important. We also
chose the discursive resonance notion of Serrani-Infante (1991, 1997, 2001) to analyze the data. The
methodology is within a qualitative paradigm – a case study. Our instrument of collecting data is the
WhatsApp, applying semi structured interviews. As a result, we identified that the English textbook was
not used, even the teachers aware of that the book was given to students and the possibility that some
of them could work through online classes.


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How to Cite

Santos da Silva, M., & Fajardo Turbin, A. E. (2021). Discursive resonances built upon the English textbook in Pará state in times of crisis. Revista Horizontes De Linguistica Aplicada, 20(1), DT4. https://doi.org/10.26512/rhla.v20i1.36115



Dossier: Language teaching in times of crisis

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