Diaries as a methodological tool in English teaching and researching





Diaries, Methods in Humanities, Interdiciplinarity, Autonomy, Multiliteracies


There have been criticisms about the validity of research in Humanities due to the specificities of its study object. Thus discussions on methodological tools are relevant. This investigation was conducted in a public educational institution and focuses on the use of diaries by students. The aim is to explore multiliteracies and develop autonomy in an interdisciplinary approach joining English and Automation subjects. The research questions are: is there evidence that diaries are an effective methodological tool? Which conclusions can be reached based on diary users’ opinions? A questionnaire with open- and closed-ended questions was also administered to the participants. Results show that diaries can be effective since they provide accounts which are not accessible by external observation and they can also help students reflect, understand and organize their learning process.


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How to Cite

Kobayashi, E. (2021). Diaries as a methodological tool in English teaching and researching. Revista Horizontes De Linguistica Aplicada, 20(1), AG3. https://doi.org/10.26512/rhla.v20i1.34303

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