Political literacy in coursebooks: for democratic education


  • Priscila Caxilé Soares Universidade Federal do Ceará




Political literacy, Teaching, Textbook


The article treats the theme of political literacy in two high school textbook collections, respectively, 2013 and 2016. The objectives are: a) to analyze, comparatively, the proportion which political literacy appears in activities of textual production in two collections of Portuguese Language High School textbooks; b) to verify the proportional amount of textual genres that are proposed to the effective teaching of political literacy; and c) to discuss the data found in both collections. To talk about political literacy, we used Cosson (2008, 2010, 2011) and, to talk about the textbook policy and its contributions to the study of the literacies, Batista (2003) and Rojo (2010). The results showed that the textbooks contribute to reading and writing practices; however, we did not verify in the text production activities of the editions a direction towards the teaching of democracy or themes that were turned to a citizen formation. Therefore, we conclude that the approach about the themes and activities of textual production proposed, in the most part, do not relate to knowledge directly related to the contents about laws, organization of power and its institutions, thus they do not contribute in an effective way to the teaching of the political literacy


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How to Cite

Soares, P. C. (2020). Political literacy in coursebooks: for democratic education. Revista Horizontes De Linguistica Aplicada, 19(1), 197–217. https://doi.org/10.26512/rhla.v19i1.24888




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