The motivation of EFL public school teachers: what can self-theories tell us?


  • Fernanda Costa Ribas Universidade Federal de Uberlândia


Palabras clave:

Teacher motivation;, Self-beliefs;, English teaching;, Teacher education


In this paper, I report on a qualitative research study in progress, carried out with two English teachers, working in elementary education in a public school in Minas Gerais. I sought to investigate the motivation of these teachers, in light of self-theories (MARKUS; NURIUS, 1986; HIGGINS, 1987). Data collection methods include a questionnaire, an interview, classroom notes and video-stimulated recall sessions. Results show the important role played by positive and negative self-beliefs (whether actual or future) in teachers’ motivational flux. I conclude the article by emphasizing the need for encouraging the reflection on self-beliefs and affective factors that could impact on action and the sharing of experience in teacher education and in continuing education programs in order to engender a positive motivational cycle in schools.


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Biografía del autor/a

Fernanda Costa Ribas, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

Doutorado em Estudos Lingüísticos, área de Lingüística Aplicada pela Unesp de São José do Rio Preto (2008). Doutorado sanduíche (Capes) em Educação pela Universidade de Maryland (2007). Professora adjunto na Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, onde trabalha na área de língua inglesa e prática de ensino. Tem atuado principalmente nos seguintes temas: motivação, ansiedade, crenças, auto-crenças, ensino de inglês nas escolas públicas e formação de professores.


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Cómo citar

Ribas, F. C. (2013). The motivation of EFL public school teachers: what can self-theories tell us?. Revista Horizontes De Linguistica Aplicada, 11(2).




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