Using video and blog digital tools to foster the learning of oral skills in Spanish as a Foreign Language


  • Marta Giralt University of Limerick
  • Antonia Flores Universidad de Maynooth
  • Anna Laribal Universidad de Maynooth



oral language, pronunciation, video, digital tools


Oral language learning amongst beginner level University students is a topic of vital importance from the point of view of the oral practice, becoming familiar with the pronunciation and the growing confidence and self-esteem. However, oral practice is not usually integrated into class due to the large number of students and the course contents that must be covered in very little time. In this article we present data of a project that had as an objective the exploration of the use of digital tools for in-class oral practice. After a brief literature review, the article presents data from the study participants: 43 University undergraduates (level A1), who recorded a video with personal information. The videos were posted afterwards in a blog where the students left their comments. After the task, the learners completed an anonymous questionnaire relating to different aspects such as: the use of technology, the practicality of recording a video and the advantages of using digital resources in the learning of a language orally and the pronunciation. The results obtained allowed us to present our conclusions, from the student perception regarding the different aspects and factors that intervene in the learning of oral language through the use of digital tools.


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How to Cite

Giralt, M., Flores, A., & Laribal, A. (2019). Using video and blog digital tools to foster the learning of oral skills in Spanish as a Foreign Language. Revista Horizontes De Linguistica Aplicada, 18(1), 15–36.




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