Kant among French, English and Germans
Historical-Philosophical Guidelines of the Genesis of Kantian Anthropology (1rst Part)
Kant. Anthropology. Ethics. History of Philosophy.Abstract
This paper aims to establish theoretical guidelines for understanding the relationship between ethics and anthropology in Kant's thought. Contrary to a particular line of interpretation dominant in specialized research on Kant, this article seeks to promote a historical-philosophical investigation, which contextualizes in Kant's thought the moment when three philosophical currents intersected, causing the guidelines of his debate about the concept of autonomy and perfectibility, namely: the philosophies of Hutcheson, Wolff and Rousseau. In this first part, Kant's discussion with Hutcheson and Wolff is discussed. From a more specific point of view, in this first part, the present article goes through Kant's reflections between 1755 and 1764 in order to present how the need to think about a relation between ethics and anthropology is constituted within Kantian thought.
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