Rupture, Fold and Amendment of the Self
An Outline for a Theory of Subjectivity
subjectivity, Kierkegaard, fold, amendment, emptinessAbstract
The impulse that directs the self towards the objectivity of knowledge is the same as that which turns on itself within subjectivity. The purpose of this paper is to show that this movement undertaken by the individual, that is, the unfolding of the self on itself (the fold), is succeeded by the free activity of thought in which the self recovers (amends) what was lost in the speculative search. Thus, such recovery is presented through legitimate manifestations of subjectivity (doubt and despair), which can be conceived as the negativity that constitutes human existence. To this end, it is a matter of confronting the philosophy of the Danish Kierkegaard, of a non-systematic character, with other systematic conceptions of the real present in the history of philosophy, such as those of Leibniz’s and German idealism, in order to obtain an outline to think about the self as an opening of subjectivity in the face of the task of human existence.
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