


Parole chiave:

Água viva. Sculpture. Creative process., Lynda Benglis.


ABSTRACT: Hereby we submitted a dialogue between Água viva (1973), by Clarice Lispector, and visual artist Lynda Benglis. Initially, we drew parallels of Michelangelo (1547) concerning poetry and sculpture, highlighting the creative process of both artists, emphasizing their ruptures with classic paradigms of harmony. Sequentially, there were settled the points of malleability, and contention/waste in their artworks, as well as their relationship with the matter, with the immanence of the present, and with the power of provoking new perspectives.




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Biografia autore

Marcele Aires Franceschini, Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM)




Riferimenti bibliografici

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Come citare

Aires Franceschini, M. (2020). ÁGUA VIVA: SCULPTURAL POETICS ”“ : APPROACHES BETWEEN CLARICE LISPECTOR AND LYNDA BENGLIS. Revista Cerrados, 29(54), 169–183. https://doi.org/10.26512/cerrados.v29i54.31628



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