A vida após o dilúvio em Marx e Engels

a emergência do trabalhador em sua nudez


  • Vera Aguiar Cotrim USP




Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, industrialization, family, universality


This article seeks to expose the way in which Engels and Marx
characterize and explain the emergence of a totally new mode of life in the
Victorian era. English industrialization dissolved all the different earlier modes of
life and created new social relations that affect not only the material production
of life, but family relations, morals, common sense. The characterization of this
post-Diluvian life also brings the perspective of emancipation whose concrete
possibilities the German revolutionaries perceive from the analysis of the
present. This freedom is identified with the appropriation of generic universality
by individuals.


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Civilização Brasileira, 1967

MARX, Karl. Grundrisse: Manuscritos econômicos de 1857-1858: esboços da

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How to Cite

Cotrim, V. A. (2023). A vida após o dilúvio em Marx e Engels: a emergência do trabalhador em sua nudez. Revista Cerrados, 32(62), 77–86. https://doi.org/10.26512/cerrados.v32i62.48887



Dossier - Actuality of realism: utopia and dystopia