Voices in Dialogue

Interview with Giuliano Campo about the praxis of Zygmunt Molik





Voice, Movement, Zygmunt Molik, Giuliano Campo, Jerzy Grotowski


This interview deals with content related to Zygmunt Molik's vocal exercises in the actor's work. It consists in a dialogue with Giuliano Campo, originally conducted in English, which covers the following topics: Resonators, with comments on the creation of this exercise; Partituras, about the process of choreographing the actor's psychophysical actions; Body Alphabet, about the origins of this system and how it helps in vocal work; Conduct of the Master, about how Molik developed his skills related to vocal preparation; and recurring terms of these practices such as Life and The Unknown. In addition, it covers themes approached in the book Voice and Body Work by Zygmunt Molik (2012).


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Author Biographies

Pablo Magalhães, Universidade de Brasília - UnB, Brasília/DF, Brasil

Mestre em Processos Composicionais da Cena pelo Programa de Pós Graduação em Artes Cênicas (PPG-CEN) da Universidade de Brasília, Bacharel em Interpretação Teatral pelo Departamento Artes Cênicas (CEN) da Universidade de Brasília. Participante do Grupo de Pesquisa Vocalidade & Cena.

César Lignelli, Universidade de Brasília - UnB, Brasília/DF, Brasil

Associate Professor of Voice and Performance at the Performing Arts Department (CEN) and the Postgraduate Programs in Art (PPG-Arte) and Postgraduate Programs in Performing Arts (PPG-CEN) at the University of Brasília. Post-Doctorate by the Advanced Program of Contemporary Culture at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2014 - 2015). He holds a PhD in Education and Communication, FE / Universidade de Brasília (2011); Master in Art and Technology in the research line Compositional Processes for the Scene, IDA / UnB (2007); Graduated in Performing Arts at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (2000). Leader of the Vocalidade & Cena Research Group (CNPq since 2003). Editor of the Journal Voz e Cena. Member of the VASTA Voice and Speech Trainers Association (since 2016). Author of the book Sons e (m) Cenas (2014 and 2019 - second edition), co-organizer of the book Práticas, Poéticas e Reverios Vocales (2019) and numerous articles published in qualified journals. Researches and guides themes involving sounds, aesthetics and pedagogies. Spoken and sung word. Glossolalias.Vocalities and education. Vocalities and movement. Vocalities and technologies. Vocalities and culture. Sound. Scene music. Scenic music. He regularly develops aesthetic productions in partnership with the theater groups Desvio, Sutil Ato, alaOca, Teatro do Concreto and Trupe dos Argonautas. Since 2017, together with Grupo Desvio, he has traveled with DeBanda through Brazil, Singapore, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile and Peru.


FLASZEN, Ludwik. Grotowski & companhia: Origens e Legados. Ed. São Paulo: Realizações, 2015.

GROTOWSKI, Jerzy. Em Busca de um Teatro Pobre. Ed. Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira, 1971; Prefácio de Peter Brook.

GROTOWSKI, Jerzy. O Teatro Laboratório de Jerzy Grotowski. Ed. São Paulo: Perspectiva, 2007

MAGALHÃES, Pablo; LIGNELLI, César. Voices in Dialogue: Interview with Giuliano Campo about Zygmunt Molik's praxis. Voz e Cena, v. 3, n. 2, p. 80 - 95, 31 dez. 2022. Ed: Unb. Versão original em Inglês..

MAGALHÃES. Voz e Movimento: uma análise da práxis de Zygmunt Molik. Programa de Pós Graduação/Unb, 2022.Dissertação. Brasília

MOLIK, Zygmunt; CAMPO, Giuliano Treino de Voz e Corpo de Zygmunt Molik - O Legado de Jerzy Grotowski. Ed. São Paulo: Realizações Editora, Livraria e Distribuidora Ltda, 2012.

SCHECHNER, Richard; WOLFORD, Lisa. The Grotowski Sourcebook. London and New York: Routledge, 1997.



How to Cite

Magalhães, P., & Lignelli, C. (2023). Voices in Dialogue: Interview with Giuliano Campo about the praxis of Zygmunt Molik. Voz E Cena (Voice and Scene), 4(02), 203–230. https://doi.org/10.26512/vozcen.v4i02.51194





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