For a reenchanted pedagogy of the voice in the artes vivas
assumptions for an ecological relationship of the voice
Voice pedagogy, Voice, Decoloniality, Air, Reenchantment, Artes vivasAbstract
This paper intends to inquire about the voice in the living arts, driven by its expansive materiality of air. In order to achieve that, in a reflection that starts from a practice of teaching voice in theater, this article evokes some assumptions for a reenchanted pedagogy of the voice, in an attempt to experiment an ecological relation of the vocal corporeal work in connection with amerindian epistemologies. For a reenchanted pedagogy of the voice in the living arts is to acknowledge the teaching exercise as a constant creation of sensitive procedures with the voice for the invention of other ways of existence and relationship with the environment. This writing thus wishes to weave ethical-poetic dimensions into the flow between art and life, in order to bring other breaths to an ecological understanding of the voice in its intimate relationship with the air.
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