Social innovation in the commercialization of organic and agroecological products of family farming in Brazil’s Federal District
Produtos agro-ecologicos, Comercialização, Ação coletiva, Distrito FederalAbstract
The Federal District and particularly the city of Brasilia constitute a booming market
for organic and agro-ecological products. This paper develops a characterization of
the modes of family farmer’s organization for marketing of organic and agroecological
products in the Federal District of Brasilia. The methodology has
associated an analysis of documents and statistics and interviews of the various
actors of the two main chains of products in the Federal District: producers of the
agro-ecological fairs, farmer’s organizations, supermarkets, extension agents and
technicians of public agencies. Family farmers have progressively invested the short
food chains with direct sales and agro-ecological fairs, through specific and
innovative modalities of coordination and organization. The main results show a
combination between formal and informal status and institutions and the
mobilization of renewed forms of reciprocity, mutual help and collective learning.
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