How wind energy is contributing to the achievement of Brazilian commitments to the Paris Agreement




Paris agreement, Electrical sector, Renewable energy, Wind energy, Electrical efficiency


The Paris Agreement was signed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and Brazil is committed to increasing renewable energy participation in the electrical matrix. This study aims to evaluate how wind energy fulfils the goals determined in the agreement. Through a systematic literature review, 10 relevant studies were identified and together with the analysis of data available in the National Energy Balance report from the Energy Research Company. Comparing the data obtained in the period with the established targets was possible. The success of policies for the sector in reaching the goals above was also evaluated. The results show that wind energy is the renewable source that most benefited from tax incentives and, thus, contributed to the expansion of the share of renewable energy in the Brazilian electrical matrix.


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Author Biographies

Mário Joel Ramos Júnior, Msc in Industrial Management and Technology, Researcher University Center Senai Cimatec, Salvador, Brazil

Master in Industrial Management and Technology from Senai Cimatec University Center (Bahia). Master in Management and Business Direction from Universidad de Chile with an exchange program at ESCP Madrid Business School. Mechanical Engineer graduated from the Federal University of Bahia with exchange at the University of Passau - Bavaria (Germany) and engineering internship at the Fraunhofer Institute of Production and Technology (RWTH) - Nordheim-Westfallen (Germany). He is currently a PhD student in Industrial Management and Technology and a Researcher at Senai Cimatec's Environment Department.

Paulo Soares Figueiredo, Phd in Business, Associate Professor, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador, Brazil

Ph.D. in Administration from Boston University Questrom School of Business, with a grant from the FULBRIGHT Commission, USA. M.A. in Administration from the School of Economics and Administration, University of São Paulo, Brazil. Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from Unicamp, Brazil. Researcher at the Núcleo de Pós-Graduação em Administração - NPGA/EAUFBA. Professor and researcher at GETEC (SENAI CIMATEC). Outstanding Teaching Award as a professor during his doctorate at Boston University.

Xisto Lucas Travassos Júnior, Phd in Electrical Engineering, Associate Professor, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Joinville, Brazil

PhD in electrical engineering from École Centrale de Lyon - France (2007). Master in electrical engineering from the Federal University of Santa Catarina - UFSC (2004). Graduated in electrical engineering from UFSC (2002). Also in 2007 he worked as TRANSLOGISTic project manager at the Faculté Polytechnique de Mons (UMONS) in Belgium. Professor at the UFSC Florianópolis Campus. Main areas of interest are: sustainable energy, antennas and propagation, ground penetrating radar and electromagnetic compatibility.


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How to Cite

Ramos Júnior, M. J., Figueiredo, P. S., & Travassos Júnior, X. L. (2022). How wind energy is contributing to the achievement of Brazilian commitments to the Paris Agreement. Sustainability in Debate, 13(3), 15–31.

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