Nature vs policy: drought and famine in the northeast of Brazil, 1877-79



Palabras clave:

Drought. Famine. Northeast of Brazil. Grande Seca. Geographical Nature.


Droughts followed by famines were common in Brazil, mainly in Northeast Brazil, until the 1980s and were frequently devastating, destroying livelihoods. A succession of droughts resulted in harvest failure, triggering famines in some cases. Famine-like conditions prevailed mainly in the 1877-79 Grande Seca (Great Drought), in which many died of malnutrition-related causes. In subsequent droughts, famine-like conditions reoccurred, but the extent of starvation-induced deaths declined to almost zero. Do only available political theories and known natural and socio-political factors, such as climate, topography, and market viability, provide sufficient data to investigate the causes of the drought of 1877-1879? The author concludes that there is little or no research, accumulated knowledge and information on the possible factors that satisfactorily explain why the drought and famine episodes were so impactful in that period.


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Biografía del autor/a

James Augusto Pires Tiburcio, PhD in Sustainable Development, Director, Instituto de Reflorestamento Eden, São Luís, MA, Brazil

Tiburcio holds a Bachelor in Economics from Mackenzie Presbyterian University, a MA in International Relations from the University of Brasília and a PhD in Sustainable Development also from Universidade de Brasília.

He is currently the director of the Instituto de Reflorestamento Eden, a not-for-profit association that works with ecological restoration.


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2021-12-28 — Actualizado el 2021-12-31


Cómo citar

Tiburcio, J. A. P. (2021). Nature vs policy: drought and famine in the northeast of Brazil, 1877-79. Sustainability in Debate, 12(3), 153–166. (Original work published 28 de diciembre de 2021)

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