Disputes and narratives on the distributed generation of electricity in Brazil: setbacks for the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development and the Paris Agreement


  • Alexsandra Maria de Almeida Soares Master in Sustainability Policy and Management, Project Manager, Brazilian Institute for Development and Sustainability, Brasilia, Brazil https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7172-7288
  • Cristiane Gomes Barreto PhD in Sustainable Development, Professor, Center for Sustainable Development, University of Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3509-3158




Aneel, Solar energy, Decentralization, Sustainability Agendas


Centralization and low diversification of the Brazilian electricity matrix have increased the feeling of energy insecurity. This is a problem that is gaining greater proportions in face of climate change. This research analyzed the political arena around the regulation of distributed electricity generation. We analyzed documents, speeches, interviews, presentations, audiovisual material and press publications on distributed generation and solar power. Results indicated that, despite the great development potential of the source in the country, and the international commitments signed, the identified coalitions dispute narratives that result in setbacks for the climate and sustainable development agendas.


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Author Biographies

Alexsandra Maria de Almeida Soares, Master in Sustainability Policy and Management, Project Manager, Brazilian Institute for Development and Sustainability, Brasilia, Brazil

Master's degree in Sustainability Policies and Management, UnB (2022). Specialist in Environmental Analysis and Sustainable Development, UniCEUB (2018). Bachelor's degree in Environmental Sciences, UnB (2016). She is currently a project manager at the Brazilian Institute for Development and Sustainability, in the area of sustainable rural development, Amazon production chains and circular economy. Has experience in Environmental Sciences, with an emphasis on Sustainable Development, working mainly on the following topics: Social Development, Public Policy, Renewable Energy and Social Technologies.

Cristiane Gomes Barreto, PhD in Sustainable Development, Professor, Center for Sustainable Development, University of Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil

Biologist (1998) from the University of Brasília, with a Master's degree in Animal Biology (2001) and a PhD in Sustainable Development (2013), research on interdisciplinary issues at the interface between society and nature, focusing on territorial issues and public policies.  Since 2016 she has been professor at the Center for Sustainable Development at the University of Brasilia.


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How to Cite

Soares, A. M. de A., & Barreto, C. G. (2022). Disputes and narratives on the distributed generation of electricity in Brazil: setbacks for the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development and the Paris Agreement. Sustainability in Debate, 13(3), 32–71. https://doi.org/10.18472/SustDeb.v13n3.2022.45621