Who Counts Resilience and Whose Resilience Counts?

Applying the Resilience Alliance Workbook


  • Wendy-Lin Bartels University of Florida
  • Simone Ferreira de Athayde University of Florida.
  • Ricardo Mello PhD Candidate, Tropical Conservation and Development Program, University of Florida. Director of WWF, Acre, Brazil
  • Thaissa S Sobreiro University of Florida
  • Juliana de Almeida Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM)
  • Paula Bernasconi Universidade Estadual de Campinas ”“ UNICAMP
  • Alexandre Olival Instituto Ouro Verde (IOV), Alta Floresta, MT
  • Berenice Simão State Secretary of Education, Rondônia
  • Ruth Silveira Universidade do Estado do Mato Grosso ”“ UNEMAT, MT
  • André Luís Torres Baby SEMA/MT
  • Itacir Blau Secretaria Municipal de Agricultura, Meio Ambiente e Assuntos Fundiários de Cotriguaçu, MT
  • Walterlina Brasil Universidade Federal de Rondônia ”“ UNIR, Rondônia
  • Adriano Castorino Universidade Federal do Tocantins ”“ UFT
  • Renato Farias Instituto Centro de Vida (ICV), Alta Floresta, MT
  • Ledyany Gislon Secretaria de Estado do Meio Ambiente do Mato Grosso, SEMA-MT
  • Mônica Grabert Secretaria de Estado do Meio Ambiente do Mato Grosso, SEMA-MT
  • Raissa Guerra School of Natural Resources and the Environment, University of Florida
  • Amintas N Rossete Universidade do Estado do Mato Grosso ”“ UNEMAT, MT
  • Elisson M Schuster Independent Consultant, Cotriguaçu,
  • Dariane Schütz Instituto de Defesa Agropecuária do Mato Grosso - INDEA-MT
  • Rosane D. R. Seluchinesk Universidade do Estado do Mato Grosso ”“ UNEMAT, MT
  • Solange da Silva Arrolho
  • Ricardo Theopilo Folhes
  • Robert Buschbacher Coordinator, Amazon Conservation Leadership Initiative, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA




Amazônia, Brasil, Manejo colaborativo, Resiliência, Engajamento de atores sociais


The Brazilian Amazon is a complex social-ecological system, the management of which includes diverse groups of social actors whose values and interests influence decision making and outcomes. Such management requires leaders who appreciate the multiple knowledge systems and historical land occupation trajectories that have shaped this region. Twenty-three emerging leaders from universities, government agencies, the private sector, and social movement organizations participated in a two-year Specialization Course in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. Course participants applied the Resilience Assessment (RA) Workbook for Practitioners to analyze three livelihood sub-systems within the municipality of Cotriguaçu. This paper offers reflections on the utility of the RA workbook as a tool for bridging multiple stakeholders’ knowledge, identities, power and interests in collaborative social-ecological management. Our experience points to the risks of conducting expert-led RAs in regions dominated by historical legacies of oppression, weak institutions, and limited governance.


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Author Biographies

Wendy-Lin Bartels, University of Florida

School of Forest Resources and Natural Resources, Research Assistant Scientist

Simone Ferreira de Athayde, University of Florida.

Tropical Conservation and Development Program, Center for Latin American Studies, Gainesville, Research Associate

Thaissa S Sobreiro, University of Florida

School of Natural Resources and the Environment, Gainesville, USA

Juliana de Almeida, Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM)

Amazonas, Master program in Social Anthropology (PPGAS)


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How to Cite

Bartels, W.-L., Athayde, S. F. de, Mello, R., Sobreiro, T. S., Almeida, J. de, Bernasconi, P., … Buschbacher, R. (2016). Who Counts Resilience and Whose Resilience Counts? Applying the Resilience Alliance Workbook. Sustainability in Debate, 7(2), 135–151. https://doi.org/10.18472/SustDeb.v7n2.2016.18770




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