Evocando o genius loci para a promoção de um desenvolvimento situado:
o caso Villa Sorra
Sustainable local development, Enogastronomy, Gastronomy, Material cultural patrimony, Constructed environment, Genius lociAbstract
This article introduces some of the practical and theoretical implications of a local development
strategy. The strategy is based on the synergy between a local constructed patrimony and the
local enogastronomic patrimony. Departing from a theoretical framework, the article starts by
describing and analyzing the Villa dei Sapori project, developed in the context of an architectonic
complex in Italy. The complex, Villa Sorra, is located in the Modena region. The concept of
situated development is defined through this case study. It is also interpreted through the
experience of its manager. We arrive at the conclusion that the creation of territorial valorization
strategies, in a situated perspective, rely on the possibility of the existence of a dialogic relationship
between the project author and the genius loci (the “spirit of the place”).
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