The New Fiscal Sociology: contributions from a case study of public type to a promising discipline for Brazilian sociology




New Fiscal Sociology, New Fiscal Regime, Case-study, Public Sociology, Participatory Research


The article aims at contributing to the development of Fiscal Sociology sub-discipline in Brazil. The research is launched from the theoretical premise that the above mentioned field of studies is capable of solving a set of problems linked to the present historical context, under which a new fiscal regime is being implemented by Brazilian government. Based on a case-study that was unleashed from the public sociology´s perspective, the article points ”“ from the hermetic field of fiscality - to ways and perspectives that are able to allow an encounter between public and academia. This encounter could foster relevant knowledge, which might be suitable to addressing a critical and challenging fiscal context, such as the one Brazil faces in present days.


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Author Biography

Francisco Mata Machado Tavares, Universidade Federal Goiás (UFG)

Graduado em direito (UFMG - 1998- 2003). Mestre em Ciência Política (UFMG - 2006-2008). Doutor em Ciência Política (UFMG - 2009-2013. É vice-diretor regional da ABCP Centro-Norte. É coordenador do Grupo de Estudos em Sociologia Fiscal (GESF). Professor adjunto da Universidade Federal Goiás (UFG), Goiânia, GO, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Tavares, F. M. M. (2019). The New Fiscal Sociology: contributions from a case study of public type to a promising discipline for Brazilian sociology. Sociedade E Estado, 34(03), 835–865.




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