Utopia and dystopia in Witkacy’s theory and artistic practices


  • Livia Rocha University of Brasilia
  • Biagio D'Angelo University of Brasilia



Palabras clave:

Utopia, dystopia, Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz ”“ Witkacy (1885-1939)


The purpose of this article is to investigate the utopian and dystopic frontiers present in the artistic and theoretical production of the Polish artist Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz, known by the pseudonym Witkacy (1885-1939). The hypothesis raised here is that there is a certain contradiction between theory and practice performed by the artist. Even considering that creativity was threatened with extinction in this new society subjugated by mechanization, Witkacy had a utopian view of art, believing that this was the only mechanism capable of give the individual the opportunity of experience the Mystery of Existence. However, in his literary productions, especially in the novel, the artist reveals an antagonistic vision, creating frighteningly dystopian images of the society. What moves this study is the conflict generated by these opposing views. While, on the one hand, the artist manifested an idealization, a utopian vision of art, on the other hand there is a deep pessimism, a dystopian view of man and society. This article will confine itself to analyzing two literary works, Insatiability (1930) and the play The Mother (written in 1924 and published in 1962) as well as the theoretical production of the artist ”“ New Forms in Painting and the Misunderstandings Arising Therefrom (1919) and Pure form in the Theater (1921).


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PUZYNA, Konstanty. The concept of “Pure Form”. Literary Studies in Poland, v. 16, 101-111, 1986.
RABELLO, Luiz Francisco. Repertório para um teatro actual. A mãe de Stanislas Witkiewicz e o Processo do espetáculo anulado. Lisboa: Prelo, 1972.
WITKIEWICZ, Stanislaw Ignacy. A mãe. In REBELLO, Luiz Francisco. Repertório para um teatro actual. A mãe de Stanislas Witkiewicz e o Processo do espetáculo anulado. Lisboa: Prelo, 1972.
WITKIEWICZ, Stanisław I. On Pure Form. In: HARRELL, Jean Gabbert; WIERZBIAŃSKA, Alina (Ed.). Aesthetics in twentieth-century Poland: selected essays. Bucknell University Press, 1973.
WITKIEWICZ, Stanisław I. Insaciabilidad. Barcelona: Barral Editores, 1973.
WITKIEWICZ, Stanislaw Ignacy. In PUZYNA, Konstanty. The concept of “Pure Form”. Literary Studies in Poland, v. 16, 101-111, 1986.
WITKIEWICZ, Stanisław I. The Witkiewicz Reader. Edited, translated and with an introduction by Daniel Gerould. London: Quartet Books, 1993.




Cómo citar

Rocha, L. ., & D’Angelo, B. (2020). Utopia and dystopia in Witkacy’s theory and artistic practices. Revista VIS: Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Artes Visuais, 18(2), 111–120. https://doi.org/10.26512/vis.v18i2.29233



Imagem e Utopia