Dance composition as image criticism
Dance. Technology. Image. Composition. Tactics.Abstract
This paper presents a critical approach about the elaboration of the image in the dances in affection with the technologies. It rejects the approach that considers only the forms of the image, since there is no neutrality in this composition. We are faced with the complexity of the image regimes that create dances and dances that create images: in this creation-affection (image x dance) concepts are produced. In this sense This article starts with the desire to highlight the way that dance can be simultaneously engaged as a pair with the technologies of the image and to drawn a critique of certain images that follow phatic models. From the analysis of some scenes of Senses of Presence (2012) discusses other compositional possibilities that escape the hegemonic components of the contemporary image, such as sharpness, speed and hypervisibility. Some tactics that have been practiced are discussed, like; out-of-bounds and invisibility, as a possibility of composing the image in dance as a way of critical image.
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