Dança transmídia

compondo as fissuras do (in)visível


  • Larissa Ferreira




Dance. Image. Tactics. Politics. Invisibility.


This article discusses the political corporalities related to the crossing between dance and technologies of the image, denominated transmedia dance in this research. Present a dialogue about the composition of images in dance, with emphasis on the modes of composition of the body affected by possible (in)visibilities established in this encounter between the technologies of the image. And, in this context, a tactic of the composition of the
transmedia dance as a way of critique of the image is proposed. In this course, presents historical works of transmedia dance from the perspective of dance as a visually and advances in the discussion of Body in Process (2012 - 2017), a creation conceived by the author. When referring to the political corporalities involved reflects on tactics that can promote certain fissures in the visible, and establish the invisibility as a tactic of composition.


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How to Cite

Ferreira, L. (2018). Dança transmídia: compondo as fissuras do (in)visível. Revista VIS: Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Artes Visuais, 17(1), 67–78. https://doi.org/10.26512/vis.v17i1.20566



Dossiê - Bordas rarefeitas: dança e performance. Orgs: Marcia Almeida; Maria Bea