Os sentidos caligráficos em Hilal Sami Hilal. Por uma proposta de pintescritura


  • Marco Antônio Vieira Universidade de Brasília




Hilal Sami Hilal. Intersemiosis. History and Theory of Art. Literature. Pictorial Turn.


Circling the coastal boundaries, a zone of contamination echoing the Lacanian lesson, are the textual webs to be found in which the poetical oscillates between language and the image. The narrative, circular and plurivocal (un)veiling of the works coined by Hilal Sami Hilal, a Brazilian visual artist, in which the verbal takes on, by means of oxidized alphabetic inscriptions, an appearance which verges on the hieroglyphic, becomes allegory, once it embeds the insistent and phantasmal question of the rendition of works of art centred around a comparative and contrastive analysis of different semiotic systems. This text occupies itself with a few of the manners in which literature and visuality copulate calligraphic breeding meaning in the materiality of what is herein baptized paintscripture.


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How to Cite

Vieira, M. A. (2017). Os sentidos caligráficos em Hilal Sami Hilal. Por uma proposta de pintescritura. Revista VIS: Revista Do Programa De Pós-Graduação Em Artes Visuais, 16(1), 255–277. https://doi.org/10.26512/vis.v16i1.20488



Dossiê - A arte não ocidental no contexto múltiplo e transdisciplinar da contemp