Boy sexual victimization: Characteristics of family configuration and of the offender


  • Maria Aparecida Penso
  • Maria Inês Gandolfo Conceição
  • Liana Fortunato Costa
  • Amanda Pinheiro Said
  • Lucia Cavalcanti de Albuquerque Williams



Sexual abuse, Male victims of sexual abuse, Analysis of intake, Child maltreatme


The study aims to identify the family profile of boys who were victims of sexual abuse and of their offenders. Intake documents from a health facility in the capital of Brazil, consisting of 35 cases from that institution over a period of 13 years were analyzed. Analysis of quantitative data with descriptive statistics for the following categories involved: age of family members; relatives living in the same household; education and occupation of family members; who did the victim reside with; victim’s main caretaker; gender and relationship of victim and offender. The families were economically deprived with low educational background, and in lack of community institutional support. As a result, they took protection initiatives by themselves, delegating childcare to immediate or extended relatives, a strategy which increased vulnerability.


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How to Cite

Penso, M. A., Conceição, M. I. G., Costa, L. F., Said, A. P., & Williams, L. C. de A. (2020). Boy sexual victimization: Characteristics of family configuration and of the offender. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 35.



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