Error Analysis and Reading Comprehension:

Comparisons Between Different Reading Situations


  • Alina Galvão Spinillo UFPE
  • Luciana Vasconcelos dos Santos Dantas Hodges UFPE


Reading comprehension difficulties, Error analysis, Inferences, Children


This study analyzed errors presented by children with difficulties in reading comprehension in two reading conditions. Children in Group 1 were asked to read a story with interruptions, and those in Group 2 had to read the same story without any interruptions whatsoever. After reading, the children answered questions about information of an inferential nature. Analysis of the answers led to the identification of four types of errors, regarding the way intra and extra-textual information is integrated. Although the errors were stable in both situations, the interrupted reading appears to favor attempts to establish inferences. The results contribute to a psychological understanding of the difficulties related to reading comprehension, specifically in the establishment of inferences, with possible educational implications.


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How to Cite

Spinillo, A. G., & Hodges, L. V. dos S. D. (2012). Error Analysis and Reading Comprehension:: Comparisons Between Different Reading Situations. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 28(4), 381–388. Retrieved from