Processos Atencionais e Dependência-Independência de Campo:

Estudo com Crianças e Adolescentes Portugueses


  • M. Adelina Guisande Universidade de Santiago de Costela
  • Leandro S. Almeida Universidade do Minho
  • Filomena Ermida da Ponte Universidade Católica Portuguesa
  • Carolina Tinajero Universidade de Santiago de Costela
  • M. Fernanda Páramo Universidade de Sntiago de Costela



Cognitive style, Field dependence-independence, Attention processes


The present study relates the “field dependence-independence” cognitive style to the performance on tasks involving several attention processes and resources. With a 98 Portuguese children and 95 Portuguese adolescents sample, four attention tasks were applied: storage capacity (Digits Forward Test); verbal working memory (Digits Backward Test); capacity to focus, shift, and maintain attention (Digit Symbol Test); and capacity for sustained attention (Visual Search and Attention Test, VSAT). It was also applied a factor g test for intelligence control. Results showed differences on attention processes between field-dependence and field-independence cognitive styles. These differences are more evident in the children subgroup on VSAT. These results open new research topics to explain lowest academic performance of field-dependent children.


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How to Cite

Guisande, M. A., Almeida, L. S., Ponte, F. E. da, Tinajero, C., & Páramo, M. F. (2010). Processos Atencionais e Dependência-Independência de Campo:: Estudo com Crianças e Adolescentes Portugueses. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 25(4), 561.



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