
  • Leandro S. Almeida Universidade do Minho


Intelligence, Cognition, Learning, Cognitive development


Traditionally, psychological research takes intelligence as
an internai and abstract capacity of the mind, and its relationship with the
school achievement in a linear way, e.g. from the intelligence to the
performance. The cognitive styles and the theories of socio-cognitive
dimensions provide some examples of the importance of introducing cognitive strategies as well as personal factors on the explaining of
cognitive functioning. Both these aspects, as well as the knowledge of
the school learning impact on intelligence, allow us to deffend a
pedagogical and a psychological practice in the schools in order to
promote students cognitive development. Finally, the author describes the
theoretical basis, the structure, the activities and the procedures of a
program for the cognitive training applied in Portugal with 7th to 9th grades


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How to Cite

Almeida, L. S. (2012). INTELLIGENCE AND LEARNING:: FROM THE INTERCORRELATIONS TO THEIR PROMOTION. Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 8(3), 277–292. Retrieved from