Latin America in the face of growing tension between China and the U.S.

Where is the world going?


  • Jaime Fernando Estenssoro Saavedra Universidad de Santiago de Chile



China, Decline hegemony, Latin America, United States, World Geopolitics


This article argues that a structural change is occurring in the international order, signalled by the decline of US hegemony. This decline began in the nineteen-seventies and has been accentuated so far in this twenty-first century, as a result of the rise of China as a first-order global power. The arrival of Donald Trump as President of the United States is a manifestation of this structural phenomenon. The attempt to halt and reverse this decline in US hegemony explains Trump's protectionist economic policies, as well as the growing tension between China and the US. This scenario must be deeply evaluated in Latin America, because, while its economy is increasingly dependent on the Chinese market, the US, on the other hand, still sees this region as its "backyard".


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How to Cite

Estenssoro Saavedra, J. F. (2019). Latin America in the face of growing tension between China and the U.S.: Where is the world going?. Revista Do CEAM, 5(1), 43–58.

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