Building Sustainability into Agricultural Supply Chains: What Role for Private International Law?


  • Jeanette M.E. Tramhel Organization of American States (OAS)

Palabras clave:

private international law, sustainability, agricultural supply chains


This article considers certain private international law (PIL) instruments and how
these might be used effectively to achieve greater sustainability in agricultural supply chains.
After an overview of key concepts in sustainability, supply chains and the broader
interpretation of PIL, investigation is made into the use of PIL as an immediate measure to
keep supply chains open during crises such as pandemic or war. Taking the longer view, PIL
instruments are considered for use to develop supply chains that are: 1) economically
sustainable through improved access to credit; 2) environmentally sustainable through
improved contract farming, and; 3) socially sustainable through land investment contracts. In
the face of a governance gap for global supply chains, industry-led efforts through corporate
social responsibility (CSR) are explored to consider whether agribusinesses that can
demonstrate compliance with sustainable development parameters also meet the requirements
of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors to attract green finance and satisfy the
demands of conscientious consumers through the use of Private Voluntary Standards (PVS).
The question for reflection is what role PIL might have in strengthening such governance
through the incorporation of international standards into binding contractual relationships to
thereby foster sustainable agriculture and global food security.


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Biografía del autor/a

Jeanette M.E. Tramhel , Organization of American States (OAS)

Senior Legal Officer with the Department of International Law of the Secretariat for Legal Affairs at the Organization of American States (OAS). In that capacity, she is responsible for matters related to private international law and serves the OAS in its work in this field through support to the political organs (Committee on Juridical and Political Affairs) and the legal advisory body (Inter-American Juridical Committee) and in the management of technical assistance projects carried out in partnership with OAS Member States embarking upon legislative implementation and domestic law reform. She holds a Master of Laws in International and Comparative Law (LL.M., with distinction) from Georgetown University, an LL.B. from Queen's University in Canada and is a member
of the bar in New York and Ontario (Canada). Jeannette has served as a Legal Officer with the secretariat for the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) and worked in
international agricultural trade policy with the Government of Canada; she has practiced business law
with a major Canadian firm and has taught courses in international trade and business law.
Jeannette also holds a Master of Environmental Design and a Bachelor of Agricultural Science with prior experience as an agricultural economist. She has worked as an international development professional on a range of issues in partnership with communities in Southeast Asia, Africa, Central America and the Caribbean to orchestrate projects that emphasize a community-based, participatory process. With over 25 years of combined experience in law, agriculture and environmental design, Jeannette brings a creative and interdisciplinary approach to the complex issues of global food security and the use of law as an effective instrument for sustainable development.


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Revista Direito.UnB | V. 07, N. 3, Tomo I, EDIÇÃO ESPECIAL 2023



Cómo citar

M.E. TRAMHEL , Jeanette. Building Sustainability into Agricultural Supply Chains: What Role for Private International Law?. Direito.UnB - Revista de Derecho de la Universidad de Brasília, [S. l.], v. 7, n. 3 - Tomo I - Edição Especial, p. 101–136, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 oct. 2024.

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