Folklore, Afro-Cuban Religions and Racism in Santiago de Cuba.


  • Bianca Ferreira Oliveira UFSC



Folklore. Racism. Cuba. Afro-Cuban religions.


The text about to develop a reflection on the intersections between formal cultural policies and afro-religious practices from an academic-cultural festival in the city of Santiago de Cuba. With investments in folk ensembles, following the triumph of the 1959 Revolution, many people saw their African-based religious practices taking spaces once denied to them. However, the measures taken by the revolutionary government, based on the idea that all social inequalities were the result of a capitalist bourgeois ideology, were not enough to end racial discrimination on the Island. Starting from two important events in the city of Santiago de Cuba, the Festival del Caribe and Carnival, I seek to raise some questions about the contexts surrounding events legitimized or not by the state.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, B. F. (2019). Folklore, Afro-Cuban Religions and Racism in Santiago de Cuba. Journal of Resarch Studies on the Americas, 13(3), 271–290.



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