The State and the sociological imagination


  • Benicio Viero Schmidt


Sociological imagination, Brazil, Democracy


This article is the result of researches in which I sought to frame issues denoting the exercise of sociological imagination for routing more democratic and effective State in Brazil. In this period, several theoretical and empirical researches were developed to test the hypotheses of Brazilian institution’s aggiornamento in the new framework for economic internationalization, distinguished by the economic-financial crisis which hits the world in the 1980-1990 periods onwards. Article runs this scenario, seeking to integrate social sciences literature sources -institutionalism to modernization theory - strongly consolidated by empirical studies, examples that indicate critical changes in the short period analyzed outlooks: fiscal crisis, changes and reforms in the state functioning, innovations experienced with the creation of OSCIPs and CNJ, as well as the implications of the new role played by Brazil in the international arena, particularly through international cooperation. The conclusions are related to this context from the social sciences point of view.


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How to Cite

Schmidt, B. V. (2013). The State and the sociological imagination. Journal of Study and Research on the Americas, 7(1), 175–203. Retrieved from



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