
  • Rodrigo Fuziger Universidade de São Paulo


Anthropology of Law. Silence. Jurors. Defendants. Witnesses. Contractors.


This work aims to analyze the role of silence in the Law. There are hundreds, if not
thousands, references to the silence in the Brazilian Legal System. However, the focus of this
work isn’t establishing an archeology of the silence in the legal institutions. What is sought is
the hypothesis that there are plenty legal meanings for silence, depending on the context and
branch of Law that addressing it. Thus, the silence is absolutely identical as a phenomenon
(an absence of sensorial inputs is, physically, always the same) acquires within the specific
field of Law, many senses and even antagonistic functions. The thesis of multiplicity of
silence senses can possibly be highlighted by the multifarious uses of the legal term Silence,
sometimes transmuted on a duty, faculty or even in a forbiddance. Therefore, through an
analysis of some examples of the use of silence in Law (in the jury; in the production of evidences in criminal process; in the private Law), shall be demonstrated the multiplicity of
meanings for the silence in the Brazilian Law, which possible evidences a cultural action by
assigning different significances to the same physical phenomenon (or absence of


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How to Cite

FUZIGER, Rodrigo. A ELOQUÊNCIA DE HARPÓCRATES: ENSAIO SOBRE O SILÊNCIO NO DIREITO BRASILEIRO. Revista dos Estudantes de Direito da Universidade de Brasília, [S. l.], v. 12, n. 1, p. 75–90, 2016. Disponível em: https://periodicos.unb.br/index.php/redunb/article/view/13513. Acesso em: 21 nov. 2024.