Reflections about the legal architecture of public integrity programs
So, are they really necessary?
Mots-clés :
Public compliance. Regulation. Enforcement. Nudges. Multi-level governance.Résumé
Purpose ”“ Due to the recent mandatory implementation of public integrity programs by the Brazilian Public Administration, this article intends to present a critical approach to some aspects that can contribute to the legal architecture of the public integrity programs, within a justifying perspective. It brings a possible dialogue of public integrity programs with “the normative regulation of strategic interactions” (HABERMAS, 2012), “nudges” (ALEMANNO; SPINA, 2014) and “multi-level governance” (HOOGHE; MARKS, 2003).
Methodology/approach/design ”“ The discussion is conducted through a descriptive legal appreciation of some theories and their possible contributions to the legal architecture of public integrity programs.
Findings ”“ As a result, the article concludes that the interaction of public integrity programs with the “normative regulation of strategic interactions” (HABERMAS, 2012), “nudges” (ALEMANNO; SPINA, 2014) and “multi-level governance” (HOOGHE; MARKS, 2003) can contribute not only to the legal justification and effectiveness of the programs but also to the democratic management of public policies.
Originality/value ”“ The text seeks to identify some innovative instruments that justify the effectiveness and, possibly, the legitimacy of public integrity programs, significantly expanding its field of activity.
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